Heart of the Great Mother

Do not mistake her soft belly for laziness, in the fields of her flesh is a celestial creator, a womb that has birthed life for eons, operating the infinite cycle of birth and death.

Do not mistake her nurturing for weakness, nurturing is a mastered skill which belongs to the strong-willed and confident of character.

Do not mistake her love for vulnerability, love is the fiercest of all weapons. It takes immense patience and precision to aim the archer’s bow and hit the bullseye of the heart.

Do not mistake her silence for ignorance, she is an illusion master, able to manifest her deepest desires and nurture the holy trinity from her breast.

Do not mistake her smiling eyes for submission, her eyes see your innermost secrets and the depth of your hearts suffering.  

Do not mistake her compassion for permissiveness, if you ask the Mother with humility, she will grant you access to her infinite love, your soul will find itself gently held and completely healed.

Do not mistake her playfulness for innocence, to play is the way she teaches us, the more you play the more you learn, the more deeply you will know her, which is to know the true nature of your own soul.  To return to her bosom and smell the sweet fragrance of her reality, is every soul’s deepest longing.

Your assumptions bring you suffering, your blindness brings you to fear. Release any expectations to expand your limitations. Connect with the longing in your heart, swim in the sea of her love, embrace your forgotten child. By her grace you will merge in the oneness of her creation, free from the chains of her illusions, released from the cycle of birth and death. 

Anasuya Devi

Anasuya has 21 years of experience and development as a mother, meditation instructor and massage therapist. She received her master healers training at the Soul University in Penukonda, South India. Her life's work is researching and reclaiming the spiritual nature of womanhood, sharing sacred ritual, and mastering eastern soul healing techniques. She provides clients and students with practical pathways to self-healing and family harmony through healing touch and ancient meditation practices that illuminate our innate wisdom.


Sacred Fire & Intention Setting Home Practice